Inspection of Automatic Lubrication systems is completed on-site by fully trained technicians. The service we provide maximizes equipment availability while minimizing unscheduled downtime and maintenance breaks. Our service trucks arrive stocked with many common repair parts, often making this a one-stop fix, allowing you to focus on what matters most, freeing you to leave work at work.
To accommodate your schedule we offer half-day, full-day, and evening/weekend hours with costs ranging from $475 - $850. Labor for minor repairs completed during the inspection are included, but parts are extra and can be pre-approved prior to the start of the inspection.
We provide individual reports specific to each machine to include: the type of system, pump model number, metering device type, loaner pump options, the test results of each inspection, and our recommendations to keep your equipment healthy.
We proudly serve the Mid-Atlantic Region: DC Metro, Delaware, Eastern North Carolina, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia
GreasePoint helps a wide range of industries with automatic lubrication services including manufacturing, constructions, fleets and vehicle services.
GreasePoint is a part of The Conrad Company – an ever-growing collection of specialized brands focused on helping people in manufacturing, and redefining industrial distribution. Our customers benefit from the cooperative interaction between us and Allied Hydraulics Services Co. We arrive on-site with fully trained technicians to inspect and your equipment. If needed, Allied Hydraulics Services Co., handle challenging repairs and refurbish your equipment’s components.
GreaseAlert is an exclusive Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) remote lubrication monitoring system. It proactively communicates with equipment managers alerting them to potential problems and avoiding catastrophic failures.
An investment in an automatic lubrication system for a typical piece of yellow iron, such as the Caterpillar 320 excavator, has an estimated ROI of as little as nine months. – ©Graco